Custom Bridal Bouquet Earrings


A sentimental way to make your bridal bouquet last forever. Custom bouquet earrings begin at $30 and price may increase based on size/complexity of design. DM me on Instagram (@ashpalmco) to start personalizing your own unique pair of earrings.

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A sentimental way to make your bridal bouquet last forever. Custom bouquet earrings begin at $30 and price may increase based on size/complexity of design. DM me on Instagram (@ashpalmco) to start personalizing your own unique pair of earrings.

A sentimental way to make your bridal bouquet last forever. Custom bouquet earrings begin at $30 and price may increase based on size/complexity of design. DM me on Instagram (@ashpalmco) to start personalizing your own unique pair of earrings.